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Everyone loves a good laugh, especially those who are going through tough times. Laughter gives a momentary break from the crisis at hand and the anxiety it brings. A touch of humor reminds us that the patient and the family are not defined by the illness, and that those who are sad and grieving can still laugh.. Africa had a lot of players, but only NORTH of the Sahara because for the last few tens of thousands of years (ever since it stopped being a sea then a wetland) it been a major barrier to movement. You saw SOME movement for instance, the Egyptians (and especially Hatshepsut) traded extensively with Punt, which was a land that was probably around about where Somalia is today but for the most part no. This meant that the easily domesticate able animals, and the easy resources generally, of the temperate European regions basically didn reach sub Saharan Africa until many thousands of years later with deliberate introduction by humans.

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hair extensions It seemed like she was put in the bottom literally only because she mispronounced someone name, despite none of the judges pronouncing it correctly either. I get that her can was certainly not the best, but her runway look certainly, by leaps and bounds, was the best. It sucks because Aja went for some very specific references, hit the nail on the head, but then failed the Q portion and was sent home, while other queens vaguely referenced disco and were given more props.. hair extensions

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