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Don do it for your grandparents. Don do it for your best friend. Do it for you, because if you keep smoking. She made her final onscreen appearance in the 2003 television movie Secret Santa.[8]After the show's cancellation, Mathers remained her close friend. They were reunited on The New Leave It to Beaver. Billingsley, Mathers, Dow, Frank Bank, and Ken Osmond celebrated the show's 50th anniversary together on ABC's Good Morning America.[citation needed]Billingsley was married three times and had two children.

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Lace Wigs Deputy governor of colonial Virginia Robert Dinwiddie was ordered by the British government to guard the British territorial claims, including the Ohio River basin. In late 1753, Dinwiddie ordered Washington to deliver a letter asking the French to vacate the Ohio Valley;[29] he was eager to prove himself as the new adjutant general of the militia, appointed by the Lieutenant Governor himself only a year before. During his trip, Washington met with Tanacharison (also called "Half King") and other Iroquois chiefs allied with England at Logstown to secure their support in case of a military conflict with the French.[30] He delivered the letter to local French commander Jacques Legardeur de Saint Pierre, who politely refused to leave.[31] Washington kept a diary during his expedition which was printed by William Hunter on Dinwiddie's order and which made Washington's name recognizable in Virginia.[32] This increased popularity helped him to obtain a commission to raise a company of 100 men and start his military career.[33] Lace Wigs.