User talk:LisaShirk97

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In 'The Merchant of Venice' written by William Shakespeare, Portia and Nerissa dress up as a judge and a clerk, and try to persuade Shylock to take money instead of a pound of Antonio's flesh. However, after he refuses, Portia ensures that Shylock does not get the pound of flesh nor any money. All this while, Antonio, Bassanio and Gratiano are completely unaware of the fact that the judge and clerk are none other than Portia and Nerissa..

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Lace Wigs I have read all of the posts above and I see these situations all of the time. I think a second opinion is a good idea in almost all cases. I will say this about them. If you could edit your comment to make it a little more civil that would be appreciated, and if you would like a refresher on what the rules are for r/SandersForPresident you can find them here. Trump has essentially erased Obama era progress and gone back to the days of W bush (tax cuts, deregulation, etc) and the Obama days as far as droning, keeping unnecessary wars on the books, not prosecuting bankers who destroyed the global economy, and offering platitudes to blue collar workers while not following up with much policy. The REAL DIFFERENCE is the people: because Trump is so offensive, threatening, and objectionable as a human being, the capitol P progressive movement is more ACTIVE and AWOKE than they were even in the worst of the Bush era (and definitely the Obama era). Lace Wigs

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tape in extensions According to roleplaying and other material, X wings depicted in the movies and expanded universe material that takes place around the same era are equipped with four laser cannons and a pair of proton torpedo launchers.[10] The fighter has two flight modes: one in which the wings are flat and another when they are expanded into "attack position", affording the wingtip lasers a larger fire area.[10] "S foil" servomotors control the transition between the two, hence the expression "to lock s foils in attack position".[12] Lacking an on board navigation computer, they rely on an astromech droid to calculate hyperspace jumps.[10] The Rebel Alliance adopted the military strategy of Doctrine of Space Denial, wherein the Rebellion would raid Imperial boneyards and shipping frigates, both to disrupt Imperial logistics and operations, and also to requisition desperately needed materials. X wing hyperdrive capabilities allowed for this kind of harassment and escape before the Empire may react. The presence of a hyperdrive and deflector shields differentiate the X wing from the Empire's TIE fighters, emphasizing the importance the Rebels place on pilots surviving their missions.[12]Novels and roleplaying material state that the X wing continues to be refined and upgraded in the years beyond Return of the Jedi; the "XJ" series X wings depicted in the war against the Yuuzhan Vong have a third proton torpedo launcher, stronger lasers, and improved engines.[13]Kenner Toys produced an X wing toy as a complement to its action figure line in 1978; this model was made from formed plastic and had a battery operated light and buzzer in the forward fuselage. tape in extensions

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