User talk:GennieBardon59

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Yosef was born in Baghdad, Ottoman Iraq, on September 24, 1920 (or in 1918)[14] to Yaakov Ben Ovadia and his wife, Gorgia. His Arabic name was "Abdullah Youssef".[5] In 1924, when he was four years old, he immigrated to Jerusalem, Mandatory Palestine, with his family.[5] In Palestine, the family adopted the surname "Ovadia".[15] Later in life, Ovadia Yosef changed his surname to be his middle name, "Yosef", to avoid the confusion of being called "Ovadia Ovadia".[16]The family settled in the Beit Yisrael neighborhood of Jerusalem, where Yaakov operated a grocery store. The family was poor, and Yosef was forced to work at a young age.

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