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Revision as of 21:30, 7 March 2020 by OdessaErlikilyik (talk | contribs) (Created page with "If you don like the current state of the game and blizzard isn Changing it the way you like then unsub. There are plenty of other (inferior) Mmo ( trust me I played most of th...")
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If you don like the current state of the game and blizzard isn Changing it the way you like then unsub. There are plenty of other (inferior) Mmo ( trust me I played most of them, and they always have flaws much deeper than wow). Put your money where your mouth is or shut the hell up, I sick of Whiney fan boys!. Then, since I need the drill from the same cartwall, pull the level of down to about half so they mix ok.Standby on the drill for when someone says "open wide!"End of scene: Fanfare then music bedBy the way, I use my current MacAir (2015) and my older one (2011 w/SSD) during shows so I can be typing on one keyboard while the other computer is playing. A physical keyboard is my other have for shows!Sorry for the wall of text, but I really proud of the setup and the performance that QCart allows me to do with it. We often get compliments on the sound effects after the show and how quickly they played.

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