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In one particular case, a collar completely choked off a man's windpipe, and he was found stone cold dead on a bench. Another man died after an attack of indigestion left him with a swelled neck that was then restricted by a starched, stiff collar. Collar related deaths happened often enough that it was referred to as the "father killer." Damn.. I Tip extensions'd beg to differ with the explanation given of 'fleecy rock'. In their standard work on the subject 'Glaciers Glaciation' (Arnold, London 1998) Douglas Benn and David Evans claim that it was 'de Saussure' who in 1786 coined the term 'roches moutonnes'. He saw in these rocks a resemblance to the wigs that were fashionable amongst gentry in his era and which were smoothed over with mutton fat hence 'moutonne' so as to keep the hair in place.

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