User talk:CTVVonnie8540482

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Solomon went to the most important high place in Gibeon and offered a huge sacrifice. After Solomon made the huge sacrifice, during the night, the Lord appeared to Solomon and asked Solomon to make whatever request he wanted. Solomon asks for wisdom to rule the kingdom.

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wigs 21, when Zuckerberg, Chan, Bill Gates, and a slew of scientists introduced the Biohub to the world during a Facebook Live streamed event, there was only a passing mention of intellectual property."Importantly, everything we develop every tool, every piece of data, every cell line will be available to all scientists everywhere," said neuroscientist Cori Bargmann, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative's new "president of science."Asked later for clarification, Bargmann said through a spokesperson: "Every tool, piece of data, or cell line that is developed through the transformative technology projects will be available to all scientists." The spokesperson emphasized that the Biohub is in its early days and "is just beginning the strategy development process."Still, the contract allows for some discoveries to be kept proprietary, if the scientists so choose.Inventors will have the option of making their discoveries open source, provided that the Biohub approves and that they are jointly owned by both the Biohub and the scientists' home universities. But the document also says that such discoveries can be patented, licensed to outside researchers or companies, and otherwise commercialized.So in theory, a therapy for cancer one of the four types of fatal diseases that Chan and Zuckerberg say they want to tackle could be licensed to a pharmaceutical company. The contract also allows for research tools partly developed through the Biohub to be patented."Some people feel that, for certain inventions, they need to have patent protection for those inventions to receive the investment and funding necessary to bring them to market and help people," Biohub co president and Stanford professor Stephen Quake told BuzzFeed News wigs.