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Also, I the king of the conversational misdirect. "Oh hey you! Sorry, I need to answer this text really fast." Make generic small talk while pretending to type, but look at body/clothing/mannerisms. It helps that my phone buzzes/dings at various times of day to keep me attentive and not wandering around in a fog..

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Lace Wigs I was lucky enough to buy a Follea for my first wig (about 6 months ago). I worried so much about a lot of things, would it be comfortable? Could people tell? Of course the folks that knew me before and after could tell, but what about everybody else? I think if my wig had arrived in the mail and looked "wiggy" when i first put it on, i might have had a break down, because i was at the point of having no other choice but to wear one. It turned out that my only disappointment was that i had not gotten one sooner.All I can say is do your research. Lace Wigs

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