User talk:RefugiaSisley8

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Revision as of 09:33, 19 March 2020 by RefugiaSisley8 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[ I Tip extensions]<br>We decide to call "home" which was my parents. I pretended to be a store employee who found it in the parking lot. I wa...")
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I Tip extensions
We decide to call "home" which was my parents. I pretended to be a store employee who found it in the parking lot. I was talking to my Dad. I would also need one 8" circle of 2" foam. For the body I just used a tape measure to get dimensions of my son's shoulders and torso and sorta winged it no real plan on that one. The body was made from 1" EPS, the head from 1.5" EPS.

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