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Revision as of 14:05, 19 March 2020 by Matt390902 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Yes, the State, in an emergency, can step in and take over. > few people are in a position to really fix this (at 1500m). Exactly! And it doesn't look like private industry is...")
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Yes, the State, in an emergency, can step in and take over. > few people are in a position to really fix this (at 1500m). Exactly! And it doesn't look like private industry is going to be able to move fast enough to bring all those ppl together into a united team. It took me 3 playthroughs to understand that the Undead Asylum in Dark Souls, as a whole, is a tutorial area. Not just the signs on the ground telling you what buttons to press, but also the quick boss encounter and the door to escape and the boulder down the stairs. They all there to teach you the mechanics of the game and that you should always examine your environment.

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