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Then, of course, some 60 something year old gentleman (and I use that term loosely) behind me burst my bubble by saying, "Looks like he uses that thing all the time. It's a shame. He should be reading, not playing games." Nice. But Rabbi Attiya encouraged his student to continue ruling according to his own understanding. Yosef's objections on Ben Ish Hai, for many years in handwritten form only, were printed beginning in 1998 with the appearance of his Halikhot Olam.[17]Yosef received rabbinic ordination at the age of 20.[5] He became long time friends with several members of his class who went on to prominent leadership positions in the Sephardi world, such as Rabbi Ben Zion Abba Shaul, Rabbi Baruch Ben Haim, Rabbi Yehuda Moallem and Rabbi Zion Levy.[20]Residing in Egypt[edit]In 1947, Yosef was invited to Cairo by Rabbi Aharon Choueka, the founder of yeshiva 'Ahavah VeAchvah', to teach in his yeshiva.[21] Yosef also served, at the request of Rabbi Ben Zion Meir Hai Uziel, as head of the Cairo beth din (rabbinical court). Yosef found that religious observance was lax in Egypt, be it the Jewish community at large, or even its Rabbis.

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