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It sounds like he rattled you by blowing up like that, but that a control tactic. He wasn expecting you to stand up for your friend, and I thinking he blew up at you to try to silence you so that you won dare to do it again. You should define him as an adversary in your head so that if he ever tries to say anything that makes you feel small, you can say "Dude, thats messed up.

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wigs In 1940, Shirley starred in two flops at Twentieth Century Fox, The Blue Bird and Young People.[58][59] Her parents bought up the remainder of her contract and sent her at the age of 12 to Westlake School for Girls, an exclusive country day school in Los Angeles.[60] At the studio, the girl's bungalow was renovated, all traces of her tenure expunged, and the building was reassigned as an office.[59]Temple had her own radio series on CBS. Junior Miss debuted March 4, 1942, in which she played the title role. The series was based on stories by Sally Benson. wigs

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