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I Tip extensions Further, the winding up order on the ground of inability to pay debts would be the very matter which it would be for the Companies Court to decide after presentation of the petition: and validly to present a creditor's petition which the company inexplicably would not pay could hardly, in general at any rate, be an abuse of the process of the court.(2) When it is clearly established that there is no debt, it seems to me similarly to follow that there is no creditor, that the person claiming to be such has no locus standi and that his petition is bound to fail. Once that becomes clear, pursuit of the petition would be an abuse of process, and this court would restrain its presentation or advertisement. Indeed, I understood counsel for the second defendant to concede this proposition.(3) When the debt is disputed by the company on some substantial ground (and not just on some ground which is frivolous or without substance and which the court should, therefore, ignore) and the company is solvent, the court will restrain the prosecution of a petition to wind up the company I Tip extensions.