User talk:ArielMeacham21
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I am so sleepy. I know I need to take care of myself too and I really trying to make sure to maintain balance. I also making sure she has more support than just me (she does) and she is seeing a therapist regularly, etc. This connection was borne out in 2006, when researchers at Duke University found that a small percentage of people with trichotillomania had mutations in a gene called SLITKR1 [source: Duke University]. SLITKR1 has also been linked to Tourette syndrome, in which people experience tics like eye blinking or twitching. Even though mutations were only identified in a small number of cases in the Duke study, it suggests a neurological underpinning for a condition that's often just blamed on negative feelings..
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I Tip extensions But my bottom 2 is not Ru bottom 2 and she has always lived for Kennedy, so her bottom 2 must not have included Kennedy, which is why that episode qualified for judging in teams.I thought she was more than fair to Mayhem and really checked in with her team to make sure everyone was happy with their role. Monique is very assured, organized, and driven and maybe Mayhem was just so in her head she felt like she would drag the whole team down if she spoke up. Life lesson, though, people are more forgiving if you speak up and they have to make a few adjustments than if you say nothing and let everyone sink with you. I Tip extensions
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