User talk:SelinaGaertner

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My own costume was random and centered around a white strapless dress with strawberry appliques lining the hem that I bought off a sale rack, oh probably, 15 years ago and never wore. I held onto the dress because it was designed by Seinfeld's ex girlfriend,Shoshanna Lonstein,and I had this idea that I could sell it on eBay and make a fortune someday. (These sorts of crazy thoughts are why my garage is piled with junk.).

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I Tip extensions 1 point submitted 1 month agoThat pretty much it. You know when you say an amp is 60 watts or something? Well watts are unit of power and can be summed up in the equation of watts = (volts2) / resistance with an 8 ohm load you would have like 20volts, I don know what the input impedance of the focusrite is so I can get the exact number but it would be higher than what the focusrite wants it may also damage your amps output transformer. Basically you have 60 watts of power going into your interface I Tip extensions.